Generation Five Family 843
Phebe Abbott and Joseph Shattuck
Phebe Abbott (Jonathan4, David3, Benjamin2, George1) and Joseph Shattuck (Joseph Shattuck5, Joanna Chandler Shattuck4, Zebadiah Chandler3, Hannah Abbott Chandler2, George1) resided in Andover where they had a 44-acre homestead. Phebe was born at Andover on 26 February 1766 daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Chandler) Abbot. Joseph was born at Andover on 8 November 1757 son of Joseph and Anna (Johnson) Shattuck.
Phebe and Joseph were third cousins once removed. Phebe was Joseph’s second wife. He had first married Hannah Chandler (Joshua Chandler5, Joshua Chandler4, John Chandler3, Hannah Abbott Chandler2, George1) who died in the first year of marriage.
Joseph Shattuck served as a Corporal in the Revolutionary War and received a promotion to the rank of Third Sergeant 28 January 1780 while serving in the fourth company of the 11th Massachusetts Bay Regiment. “To Mr. Joseph Shattuck of the Eleventh Massachusetts Bay Regiment in the service of the United States of America, Greeting. Possessing especial trust and confidence in your prudence and good conduct, I by these presents appoint you third Sergeant in the fourth company in said regiment in the service of the United States. You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of a Sergeant by doing and performing all manner of things.” This document was signed by Lieutenant Jonathan Libby and Major Moses Knap. His military service included the Battles of Bennington and Saratoga. (1)
Joseph did not leave a will and his estate entered probate 2 November 1847. Eldest son Joseph Shattuck was administrator of the estate. The real property was valued at $4,874.33 and personal property at $329.25. The real estate included the homestead with 44 acres valued at $2,500. On 1 November 1847, widow Phebe Shattuck petitioned the Court requesting the required certificate in order to receive the arrears from her husband’s Revolutionary War pension, and this request was granted. (2)
Phebe and Joseph were parents of four children.
i. HANNAH CHANDLER SHATTUCK, b. 2 Aug 1791; d. at Andover, 25 Oct 1847. Hannah did not marry.
ii. JOSEPH SHATTUCK, b. 18 Oct 1793; d. at Andover, 24 Aug 1873; m. 25 May 1826, HANNAH BAILEY, b. at Andover, 14 Aug 1796 daughter of James and Lucy (Brown) Bailey; Hannah d. at Andover, 9 Aug 1866.
iii. NATHAN SHATTUCK, b. 4 Mar 1797; d. at Andover, 27 Mar 1868; m. 12 Dec 1823, his second cousin, MARY FISK ABBOTT (Isaac4, Isaac4, Isaac3, George2, George1), b. at Andover, 14 Mar 1800 daughter of Isaac and Hephzibah (Fisk) Abbott; Mary d. at Andover 12 Feb 1881. (3)
iv. PHEBE ABBOT SHATTUCK, b. 21 Feb 1807; d. at Lawrence, 24 Oct 1897; m. 4 Feb 1836, WILLIAM MERRILL, b. about 1814 son of Joseph and Jane (-) Merrill; William d. at Lawrence, 19 Apr 1870. (4)
1) National Archives. Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files. www.fold3.com/image/1/16444125?xid=1945
2) Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. Case number 52994
3) Both of Mary’s parents died when she was a young child. She was raised by her grandfather Isaac Abbott. She was baptized in 1807: "Mary Fisk, d. the late Isaac and Hepzibah, grandd. Dea. Isaac Abbot, bp. May 10, 1807"
4) The names of William’s parents are given as Joseph and Jane Merrill on his death record.
Family sheet for Joseph Shattuck and Phebe Abbott: https://abbottgenealogy.org/familygroup.php?familyID=F237&tree=abbott1