17 Hidden Road, Andover
Abigail Holt (1758-1824) and Isaac Chandler (1754-1832)
Generation Five Family 520
ABIGAIL HOLT (Sarah Abbott Holt4, Elizabeth Abbott Abbott3, George2, George1), b. 18 Jun 1758 daughter of James and Sarah (Abbott) Holt; d. 2 Oct 1824; m. 7 Dec 1780, her fourth cousin, ISAAC CHANDLER, b. 4 Oct 1754 son of William and Rebecca (Lovejoy) Chandler; Isaac d. 12 Jan 1832. After Abigail’s death, Isaac married Elizabeth Upton.
Isaac Chandler was a farmer and the family lived on the farm that had belonged to Abigail Holt’s maternal grandfather Benjamin Abbott. (1) The property owned by Isaac Chandler is the site of 17 Hidden Road in Andover. The house on the property was built by David Hidden, a son-in-law of Isaac and Abigail Chandler. The house was built in 1812 on Isaac’s property and half the house was deeded to David Hidden in 1828. The house passed into the hands of the two children of David and Mary (Chandler) Hidden, Mary Elizabeth Hidden and David Isaac Chandler Hidden. (2)
Isaac Chandler wrote his will 9 November 1831. Wife Elizabeth receives a bequest of $300 and is allowed all the household property that she brought to the marriage providing that Elizabeth quit claim and release the estate from her right of dower. Beloved granddaughter Sarah Ann Chandler receives $100 in addition to what she has already received. Beloved daughter Mary Hidden wife of David Hidden receives one-fourth part of the estate. Beloved daughter Abigail Chandler receives the remaining three-fourths of the estate. Captain Timothy Flagg was named sole executor. The real property of the estate was valued at $3,230.00 including the homestead valued at $2,200.00. The personal estate was valued at $96.33. (3)
Isaac and Abigail Chandler had five children born at Andover.
1. ABIGAIL CHANDLER, b. 13 Dec 1781; d. 20 Sep 1788.
2. ISAAC CHANDLER, b. 11 Jun 1784; d. 28 Sep 1813; m. 7 Nov 1812, SALLY THOMPSON, b. at Wilmington, 18 Jul 1789 daughter of Benjamin and Susanna (Jaquith) Thompson; Sally d. at Wilmington, 19 Sep 1853.
3. MARY CHANDLER, b. 5 Jun 1786; d. at Andover, 9 Sep 1855; m. 1 Jul 1816, DAVID HIDDEN, b. at Newbury, 21 Sep 1784 son of David and Susanna (Jaquith) Hidden; David d. at Andover, 5 Jun 1861.
4. ABIGAIL CHANDLER, b. 3 Sep 1794; d. at Andover, 22 Oct 1866. Abigail did not marry. She lived with her sister Mary and her family. Abigail’s estate was valued at $2,635.00 which included real estate valued at $485.00 and $2,150.00 in amounts that were due to the estate. In her will, Abigail made bequests of $150 to her niece Sarah Ann Crocker, $300 to niece Mary E. Hidden, and the remainder of the estate to her nephew David I. C. Hidden who was also named executor.
5. HANNAH CHANDLER, b. 10 Jan 1798; d. from fever 1 May 1807.
Photo credit: https://preservation.mhl.org/17-hidden-road
1) Chandler, Descendants of William and Annis Chandler, p 422
2) “17 Hidden Road,” https://preservation.mhl.org/17-hidden-road
3) Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881. Probate of Isaac Chandler, 21 Feb 1832, case number 4934.
Family sheet for Isaac Chandler and Abigail Holt: https://abbottgenealogy.org/familygroup.php?familyID=F3948&tree=abbott1